A Master Class on the Impromptu Rising Card Miracle! 

This project represents 15 years of research, thought, experimentation and practice into one of the greatest card effects for the modern conjuror. Building on the work of Fred Robinson, Eric Mason, Ken Krenzel and Richard Kaufman, Richard Sanders has redefined the classic rising card effect and transformed it into a true anytime, anywhere miracle with a deck of cards. 

This project is not a fly by night, pipe dream. 
Uprising is a solid workhorse of a technique. 
The eerie, slow motion rise can be performed in any situation and even surrounded. 
On this DVD nothing is held back. You will be privy to all the inside work on this amazing underground technique. 
Sanders explains the rise in every scenario with thoughts on angles, performing conditions, subtleties and more. 
PLUS learn the inside work on Sanders pet secret THOUGHT OF CARD TECHNIQUE. 
Using this with Uprising creates a truly eerie piece of magic. 
In addition to the DVD training you also receive a custom black silk. 


    The one hand rise 
    The two hand rise 
    The hank rise 
    Thought of card rise 
    Thought of card technique session 
    Miracle psychology 
    and more 

Use any deck 
No gimmicks 
Perform surrounded